Heating boilers
Piston feeder
KTM boiler
CKTM boiler
Screw feeder
EKR boiler
VITORET boiler
Biovert boiler
SAG boiler
uniRET boiler
KlasterDuo type
24h boilers
KWMS boiler
KWM-SG boiler
Light fuel oil, natural gas
KWN JETI boiler
UKS-OLGAZ boiler
Kotły na biomasę
BIO-POWER boiler
Na indywid. zamówienie
Universal multi-fueled boilers
UKS boiler
UKS-G boiler
UKS boilers
Industrial boilers
Steam boilers
PKC boilers
NKP boiler
PKW boiler
PKR boiler
Water boilers
WKC type boiler
Industrial devices
Deslagging conveyor
Batteries cyclones with recirculation of exhaust gas
„ŻRM” grate
„ŻRMC” grate
Heat exchangers
PRPA type
WP-6 type
Air heaters
NP type
ul. Polna 6 63-300 Pleszew
woj. wielkopolskie
tel. +48 62 508 31 61
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